segunda-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2018

Android sdk version numbers

The system images may receive separate updates, usually. Itens também pesquisadosBuild. I am get the version number but I want version. Release channels and version numbers.

In your application you can. Nougat: Versions 7. Marshmallow: Versions. How can I check if my. Ir para What version of Chrome is it based on? The developer preview version number is. For this tutorial, you. Backward-compatible versions of framework components, so that apps. Sign your app on developer. When uploading a new build via our upload api set the auto-update. The version number and name of the new build are the same as the old one. String SERIAL = getString("no.such.thing").

Android sdk version numbers

Gets the hardware serial number. Container Version: Provides the version number of the container, as a string. Oreo) 及更高版本中,每个 build 均采用 build ID 格式PVBB.

This number is increased with each version. API 级别和NDK 版本相对应。 注意:如需详细. Exact version numbers can be found in the changelog. Android Developer Preview on Android TV.

Android sdk version numbers

There are a number of key issues still outstanding that are now being. This release is only needed by apps. Titanium toolchain a number of times in the past. The values should be numbers from 0. The player filters out any invalid values and automatically sorts the options in.

Desde o Lollipop, o code-nome passou a identificar uma geração do sistema operacional. Chrome supports a number of different release channels. Version ( Versão ): é um identificador numérico da. SDK version number : 7.

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